About Us

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN)

This website aims to be a one-stop source on everything related to FLN. It curates resources and tools that might come in handy for anyone trying to understand or implement FLN-related practices. 

Did you know that 72.8% of Class 3 children cannot read a simple Class 2-level passage, while 71.9% cannot do a basic subtraction problem (ASER 2018)? India is currently facing a severe learning crisis. And the shortfall in learning levels starts early.

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy — the ability to read with meaning and solve basic math problems by the end of Class 3 — are crucial skills that form the bedrock of all future learning and skill acquisition. FLN skills can ensure that every child is set up for success in the long run.

This website convenes knowledge, resources, and toolkits on how we can solve the learning crisis. It is a collaborative initiative launched by the following non-profit organizations focussing on improving FLN skills among children.

321 Education Foundation is a non-governmental organization working to build a strong foundation for children in India.

Central Square Foundation is a nonprofit organization working to ensure quality school education for all children in India.

Rocket Learning is a non-profit ed-tech organization with the mission to catalyze early childhood education and foundational learning in India.

If you would like to contribute to this repository, please write to us at foundationallearning@gmail.com